Mental health and wellbeing

As an employer, it is your responsibility to prioritise the well-being of your employees, including their mental health. Taking their mental well-being seriously can lead to several benefits, such as ensuring the best care and reducing excessive time off due to illness.

While mental illness is considered a disability, and employees experiencing such issues are protected by law, it's essential to be aware of the specific safeguarding concerns related to an employee's role.

Mental health problems can manifest in various ways, so it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the common signs and symptoms of mental ill health. By maintaining open and effective communication with your employee, you can create a supportive environment where they feel comfortable discussing their well-being and any concerns they may have. Addressing mental health openly can also prevent minor issues from escalating into more significant problems. If you have any concerns, ThePayTeam offers a specialized HR department that can guide you on initiating conversations. Contact the ThePayTeam for more information.

Mind website. For additional information and support on this topic, you can visit the

In case your employee is absent for more than seven calendar days, you have the right to request a FIT note from their GP, which will indicate the expected duration of their absence and whether the GP wants to see them before their return. Staying in touch during their absence is allowed, and there is guidance available on how to manage this aspect. Remember to inform the payroll team of any changes to your employee's payslip.
